Merchantville School's Re-opening Committee is working to develop a plan for the 2020-2021 school year. The committee includes representatives from the administration, Board of Education, teachers, nurses, parents, police and Borough Council. A survey was sent to parents and guardians to complete for each child they have attending Merchantville School. 257 responses were received. Survey results will provide the committee with information to drive decision making about guidelines and procedures to be presented to the Board of Education at the end of July as the final re-opening plan. The Re-opening Committee is using guidance from the NJDOE's "The Road Back: Restart and Recovery Plan for Education" to ensure the best solutions for our students and staff. St. Peter School intends on opening on Tuesday, September 8th unless directed otherwise by the Diocese of Camden or the State of New Jersey. They are developing several home based solutions for those families who are either uncomfortable with their children returning to school, have children with underlying medical issues, or for other reasons will need to remain home for either the entirety of the school year or parts of the school year. Their Little Saints Preschool will open the week of September 8th, with specific dates TBD.

The Merchantville Board of Education meetings will continue to be accessible via a zoom webinar through August 2020. Due to the Corona virus (COVID-19), the Merchantville Board of Education public meetings are being held online using Zoom, a cloud-based video conferencing tool. These instructions are provided for your convenience and are intended to assist persons in accessing and/or participating in public meetings. If you have questions, prior to the meeting you may call the Main Office during business hours at (856) 663-1091. However, any technical questions should be sent directly to Zoom.



Congratulations to the Class of 2020 from Merchantville School and St. Peter School. Merchantville School celebrated the occasion by sharing a bi-lingual eighth grade graduation video and "babies video" for everyone's enjoyment. Their graduation video begins with a heartwarming message from class keynote speaker, Katherine Santos, who entered 6th grade as a non-English speaking student, and credits student and staff equality, companionship, kindness and tolerance for their success. On June 14th, the SPS Class of 2020 Virtual Graduation went live on facebook and youtube where congratulatory comments could be left by friends and relatives. This is the 90th graduating class of St. Peter School who can proudly call this school their "alma mater".

On March 14th Merchantville School closed to help stem the spread of coronavirus. Monday, March 16th, will be a teacher in-service day and students will not report to the building and starting Tuesday, March 17th, through Friday, March 27th, remote learning will take place. All activities are canceled during this time period. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to Merchantville students during this closure. St. Peter School posted a message to their school community announcing a temporary closure effective March 16th. Parents can expect St. Peter's to be closed for at least 2 weeks and were directed to review a special statement by Bishop Sullivan concerning the closure of all Diocesan schools and communications sent by the principal concerning remote instruction and assessment. Haddon Heights High School alerted Merchantville parents that remote learning would be instituted from March 16th - March 27th. This schedule is subject to change and may be extended based on future consultations with the Camden County Department of Health. 

Would you like to be on the November ballot for Merchantville School's Board of Education? There are three (3) BOE positions that expire this year. If you are considering serving on your school board, take advantage of NJSBA’s online briefings that provide details about the responsibilities of serving on a local board of education. NJSBA’s online briefings include three videos that address leadership, legal issues, and the role of a board member. Candidates can also listen to a recorded online radio broadcast, “What Board Members Need to Know When They’re Elected.” The BOE petition to get on the ballot is due by Monday, July 27th.  Please read over the information and contact the Camden County Office of the Clerk with any questions.  


Free grab and go meals are available to all CCTS students regardless of their individual meal status. Meals can be picked up between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. Monday through Friday in front of the Science Building at the Pennsauken Campus or in front of the Business Conference Center, Building #11, at the Gloucester Township Campus. Students must present their school ID and may pick up these meals at whichever location is most convenient for them. If you need assistance with transportation, please visit the school district website at for more information. If you have any questions, please e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 856-767-7000 ext. 5400. Distribution time pick-up schedule

Breakfast and lunch will be made available to resident students on a weekly basis beginning March 17th at Merchantville School. Resident students including high school students, may come pick up bag lunches and breakfasts at designated times. Students will need to give their name, grade and school in order to pick up the lunches. Students that pay for lunches will have the amount added to their account balance. Students will enter through the door by the playground, give their information, pick up the lunches and exit out the door by the teacher’s parking lot. On Tuesday, March 17th, students may pick up 4 lunches and breakfasts between 11:00 am and 1:00pm. On Monday, March 23rd, students may pick up 5 lunches and breakfasts between 11:00 am and 1:00pm.

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