Merchantville's Green Team is registered with Sustainable Jersey.   The Green Team develop plans, implement programs, and assists with educational opportunities that support the creation of a sustainable community.  The Merchantville Green Team was recently recognized at the Camden County Freeholder Meeting for work on sustainability. The Green Team meets on a monthly basis and has a stand at the Market Off Centre from June through October.  If you are interested in participating, please either sign up in person at the market, or email the Green Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Green Team lead a clean up in Merchantville on Sunday, November 18th, focusing on the route of the Turkey Trot!  They worked from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to beautify our landscape. Stay up to the minute with activities on their Facebook page.

Look at the amazing rain garden created by members of Merchantville's Green Team and Garden Club over the weekend near the multi-use path and the Station. It's not only pretty, but it works! Thank you to all of the amazing volunteers that made it happen. A rain garden is a garden of native shrubs, perennials, and flowers planted in a small depression, which is generally formed on a natural slope. It is designed to temporarily hold and soak in rain water runoff that flows from roofs, driveways, patios or lawns. Rain gardens can also help filter out pollutants in runoff and provide food and shelter for butterflies, song birds and other wildlife.

The New Jersey Keep It Green Coalition was honored in the New Jersey Senate on Thursday with a ceremonial resolution recognizing the innovative land preservation work of the 150-member coalition. The resolution co-sponsored by Sen. Kip Bateman (R-16) and Sen. Bob Smith (D-17) cites the “vital role” of the coalition in securing long-term preservation funding by dedicating a portion of the corporate business tax specifically to open space, farmland, and historic preservation.


You can help keep the environment clean and green on Saturday, Oct. 20, by participating in the Household Hazardous Waste Collection drive-through event at the Camden County Public Works Complex, 2311 Egg Harbor Rd, Lindenwold, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Read more: Household Hazardous and Electronic Waste Collection

There will be a Green Team meeting on Tuesday, September 19th at 7:30 p.m. in Merchantville Borough Hall. All communities participating in the Sustainable Jersey program must establish a Green Team. The Mayor and City Council formally establish a Green Team and appoint members by resolution or ordinance. Green Teams differ from conservancy boards, environmental committees, and planning commissions because the focus is on completing actions required for Sustainable Jersey certification. Come learn and offer your input.



cleanupdayMerchantville Borough is awarding one Clean Communities grant per month. Organizations that are interested will need to complete at least 2 hours of service. You pick a clean up date and the area your group would like to clean. Groups must not have fewer than ten (10) people in the clean up. Your group must have (1) adult for every (5) children. Groups coming to clean up without proper supervision will not be able to participate in the clean up. All groups must sign and return the signature sheet and map. If interested, please complete the application and return to Denise Brouse at Merchantville Borough Hall in the Clerks Office, 1 West Maple Ave. Application

Although a green, golf-course-worthy lawn has been a point of pride for many despite the challenges of irrigation and chemical weed prevention necessary to maintain it, today’s concerns about climate change and chemical exposure shift the focus from manicured lawns to nurtured greenways and drought-resistant native plantings.

Read more: Maple Mews Takes Steps Toward Building an Eco- Friendly Landscape

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